At age 57 his perv age limit would be 35 or younger.
Indian Larry
JoinedPosts by Indian Larry
Governing body member engaged... Again!
by OneDayillBeFree injust found out that the australian governong body member known as geoffrey jackson got engaged to a sister about two weeks ago.
it really shocked me at first but then i remembered how other members of the gb have remarried in the past like daniel sidlik.
what made me say "woah" was hearing that the holy bride to be is really young!
Governing body member engaged... Again!
by OneDayillBeFree injust found out that the australian governong body member known as geoffrey jackson got engaged to a sister about two weeks ago.
it really shocked me at first but then i remembered how other members of the gb have remarried in the past like daniel sidlik.
what made me say "woah" was hearing that the holy bride to be is really young!
Indian Larry
The perv rule is half your age plus 7 years. For instance, if you are 40 you can go out with a 27 yr. old and it is okay. Anything under 27 and you are into perv territory. Just need to know Jacksons age divide by 2 and add 7 to determine if he is officially in perv country.
How Did You Become An Atheist?
by NewChapter insince there seem to be a number of threads in this spirit, i'd like to ask how others became atheists.
for myself, i learned some things that made me understand the bible wasn't true.
i looked deeper, and it became even more unlikely.
Indian Larry
@MC RubberMallet: I too wonder about all the bad things going on. It does make me mad and it does not seem make sense to me, however I too see the wonder in nature and I really just can't believe it all came about by accident. I certainly do not want to preach nor to I wish to start a athiest vs design debate. I am not interested in that at all.
I would like to share with you something that has helped me a little for what it is worth. There are two podcasts that I listen to from time to time that try to offer answers to these type of questions. The answers are not all ra-ra yaaaa for the bible, the are well thought out answers by well educated men who have made (at least what they feel) is a rational decsion to believe in intelligent design. You may find them interesting.
The two that I like are:
1. RZIM - Helping believers think and thinkers believe
2. Reasonable Faith
The thing I like about these is that they do not speak at the kindergarden level like the WTBS does. I also like that on the RZIM podcast there are question and answer sections where the speaker takes questions from students in major universities. These students do ask the hard questions (including why there is suffering) and the speaker does his best to answer them. It is such a nice change from the WTBS who just hides from the hard questions and expects everyone to believe whatever they say just because they say it.
If others reading this post disagree, that is fine with me really, I do believe everyone should have the right to believe as they want to. I am simply sharing this because I too feel similar to "MC RubberMallet"
So when will I stop hating the organization?
by loosie ini have tried to stop hating the organization and all it stands for, but in 7 years i've had to luck in doing so.
i am going to therapy to work this out, but i still hate the wt borg.
i have heard it is bad for you to hate something for so long.
Indian Larry
I couldn't tell you. I have known they were wrong for about 10 years. I have been on a serious fade for several years now. I used to really HATE them, slowly I believe I am moving more to a feeling like I just don't care anymore, but I am not there yet. As long as my wife and daughter are being mislead by them I guess I will lean towards the hate side. The only thing is, it is kind of like when you break up with a girlfriend or wife. As long as you hate her that means in some way you still care, when you get to the point you don't hate anymore that means you just don't care about them one way or the other. I think that is the goal.
One way that might help ease the hate you have is to remember that 95% of the JW's are simply being fooled themselves. I think even many on the GB believe thier own delusions, and if they don't what a miserable life that would be! Look at Rutherford, he was not deluded, he knew what he was doing. Yes he had nice cars during the depression, yes a lot of people looked up to him. However his own son would have nothing to do with him, his wife would have nothing to do with him, he was a drunk and he died of ass cancer. Plus when he died according to AC McMillian only 3 people went to the funeral.
So I guess when you get pissed just remember - Ass Cancer - that will make you smile.
BTW. I agree with the elderlite, getting professional help is good. I had some issues several years ago and 6 visits to a therapist helped me tremendously.
Conti Case and the WT's Pedophile Registry
by Euphemism injust made it through the register of actions posted on the court's website for the conti case.
i found an interesting couple of briefs regarding the society's database of known child abusers:.
plaintiff (conti):
Indian Larry
Q: "Do you have any knowledge of a compilation of data concerning childhood sexual abuse . . . "
A: No. (I know they have ammassed a large amount of reports, I know they keep reports on everyone whom has ever been reproved or DF'd, but a compilation nooooooooo, perhaps if you had said collection or accumulation or even assortment, maybe . . . but compilation, nooooo I have no knowledge of that)
Indian Larry
I have not seen it but the morning DJ's I listen to gave it a very good review. 5 out of 6 Buds.
How do I hear/feel God?
by doinmypart inthis is a serious question.. i know people that hear/feel god (and see postings about people's experiences), but i have not experienced this.
i have never heard anything audibly (or otherwise) nor "felt" anything inwardly.. i've prayed, read, quieted my thoughts, etc...but still nothing..
Indian Larry
Doinmypart> I just realized I never answered your original question. I guess I would have to say that I don't "feel" God either. However I do believe that we were created. I don't know that you have to "feel" God to believe in him. Just my 2 cents.
How do I hear/feel God?
by doinmypart inthis is a serious question.. i know people that hear/feel god (and see postings about people's experiences), but i have not experienced this.
i have never heard anything audibly (or otherwise) nor "felt" anything inwardly.. i've prayed, read, quieted my thoughts, etc...but still nothing..
Indian Larry
Sweet Baby> Thanks for the reply. Believe me, I do understand your pain. Seems like we have a couple of things in common. I to have been beating my head against the wall trying to reason with my family. I also live in the bible belt (if NC is the bible belt). I know we have plenty of Southern Baptist around here.
I mentioned before and I truly to think that everyone should have the right to believe whatever they want to, or not to believe, whatever. I certainly don't know everything but so far, to me it seems like God/Bible is the best explanation. I have been listening to a Christian apologist by the name of Ravi Zacharius and while I don't agree with everything he says, a lot of it does make sense to me.
I will agree that Bill Mahr makes some funny comments but after listening to people like Ravi and William Lane Craig, I certainly feel that it is not as cut and dried as Mahr or Dawson make it sound. As far as exactly how we were created, whether Jesus is God or not, and stuff like that I just don't know. I think on the deeper things like that we are like a tribe in middle of the amazon jungle that has never moved more than 50 miles in any direction debating about which is better a Porche or a Ferrari, or like debating the musical ability of Bethovan vs. Mozart.
What I am saying is I don't know it all, and I understand that. I do however know one thing. I know I want my family out of the BORG. I know that they are a high control group that lies and misleads people for profit and power. That is the only reason I mentioned your post.
I thank you as well for being so polite in your responce. It is a nice break from how many forums go.
Good luck with your family and have a great day.
How do I hear/feel God?
by doinmypart inthis is a serious question.. i know people that hear/feel god (and see postings about people's experiences), but i have not experienced this.
i have never heard anything audibly (or otherwise) nor "felt" anything inwardly.. i've prayed, read, quieted my thoughts, etc...but still nothing..
Indian Larry
Sweet Baby> Thanks for the reply. Believe me I do understand the headach of attempting to reason with a JW family. I am a 3rd generation dub and of course don't have too many non-witness friends (attempting to rememdy that currently). I also live in the bible belt as well, I don't know if NC is the buckle or what, but there are plenty of SB around here as well. As I stated before, each person has every right to believe what they do and I truly do not have a problem with that.
Yes, I still believe in God, but I am open to other ideas, it is just that so far this seems like the best explanation to me. I would never say I understand creation/the bible/the trinity etc. When it comes to deeper matters like that I think everybody opinion is equally worthless. I look at it as if we are a bunch of aboriginies (sp?) that have never heard music sitting around a campfire trying to discuss the benefits of a Bethovan vs. Mozart. Or Guns N' Roses vs. Red Hot Chili Peppers, whichever way you want to go.
I guess what I am saying is I don't know everything, that's for sure. But I do know for sure that this organization is wrong, and I want my family out. That I do know for sure. That is the only reason I said anything about the post.
Thanks again for the polite reply and have a great day.
How do I hear/feel God?
by doinmypart inthis is a serious question.. i know people that hear/feel god (and see postings about people's experiences), but i have not experienced this.
i have never heard anything audibly (or otherwise) nor "felt" anything inwardly.. i've prayed, read, quieted my thoughts, etc...but still nothing..
Indian Larry
Xchange> I will have to give you that one. Back in my high school days I was a pretty heavy smoker myself. I quit school and quit smoking pot. Then about 5 years later took it up again. I even took it with me to an assembly. I can give you a good tip of what NOT to do in the parking lot of a motel near an assembly.
I was leaned over rolling a joint below the level of the dash figuring no one could see. I did not take into account the bigmouth "sister" that was on the balcony above where my car was parked. Ended up before it was over with me and 16 of my friends all in committee meetings. My committee came back as DF but I appealed and got PR ont he appeal.
Anyway, that was long ago. All I am saying is that some of these comments, if seen by the wrong person, would reinforce exactly what the GB is saying. In otherwords we make them look right when we do this. You know how some CO's, DO, and especially JF Rutherford and Russell not to mention Fred Franz and Losch have done so much damage to the organization because they have diareaa of the the mouth? I just worry about doing that from the other direction. I would hope this forum can help pull as many as possible away from the BORG, but new visitors who Witness are witnesses do come on this site, perhaps trying to find out more about Candice Conti for instance.
When they do, it is my hope that the thread they choose to read does not have a comment like: "God touched my penis"
It just seems antiproductive.